The Equality Conversation

Engaging men in the gender equality debate with Daniele Fiandaca

Joy Burnford Season 6 Episode 4

The Equality Conversation podcast with bestselling author Joy Burnford explores what we can all do to champion gender equality at work. Each episode offers inspiration, stories and practical solutions from business leaders and experts from around the world. Achieving gender balance at work isn’t about fixing the women, it’s about changing the system to enable the retention and progression of women in the workplace. So, if you’re looking for insights, guidance or advice on how to improve gender equality in your organisation, grab a cuppa, go for a walk, or escape for a while and join us for today’s conversation.

Today I’m excited to welcome Daniele Fiandaca as my guest. Daniele is the founder of Token Man Consulting, a Top 50 Gender Equality Trailblazer and was named as one of Management Today’s Top 30 Male Agents of Change. He joins me today to talk about engaging men in the gender equality debate and masculinity in the workplace. 

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